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  • R E C O V E R

    This 'RECOVER' brass piece from the R E S I L I E N C E Range consists of Blue Spider Vein Turquoise and frosted Onyx beads.


    Each Brass HANG 6 twisted spacers are finished by hand, oxidised and patina is individually applied, so no two are the same, they have diffent casting marks, they are not 'imperfect' they are individual. our scars are part of what makes us who we are. They have '6' incorporated. why 6? this is commonly refered to as


    These castings are pretty raw and have a feel about them you just don't get in mass produced items.


    This represents healing and focus.

    As worn by Devon Manik, one of the few remaining Inuit hunter/mushers in the Canadian high arctic. The bracelet doesn’t have gaps in it unless stretched over seriously thick mitts for photos ;)

    Photo credit - Mark Wood - SOLO 100


    I set a topic to think about, regarding resilience whilst working on a piece from the collection.

    In this case it was being told in 2019 following traing accident, that an MRI showed a serious disk injury and that I needed another back op. I in no way suggest you don't take medical advice! I just decided I wasnt going to go down the surgery road so quickly. I asked what the dischage requirements were, the physios said what was required physivcallly for the end task, I completed it in much pain and went home to get back to full movement withion a week or so.

    A previous back injury tauht me a lot about mindset, the importance of posture, core strength and just focusing on recoverinhg the hell up.


    It's the physios eye rolling when I completed the discharge task tthat makes me smile.


    Your limits, your choice.


    Choose to listen to your gut.


    Choose to have belief in yourself.


    Choose not to give in today.


    Embed your resilience.


    (Shown in some images stacked with other wristwear from the range which are not included)

    • Wrist Size

      Measure your wrist and let me know what size you require. if you give me the exact measurement, I'll make it to ensure it sits without bead seperation

      The picture show it in 18cm.

      It will be this exact piece you recieve, with either added beads or removed beads dependant on sizing.

      From order I post within 3 working days.

    • Spider Vein Blue Stabliswed Turquoise Beads

      Chinese Turquoise is a soft, opaque gemstone. Ranging from blue-green, to yellow-green with grey, black or brown veining . Much Chinese turquoise was used for artistic carving and jewellery, which has always been popular in the Orient. In China, Turquoise dates to the thirteenth century A.D. Although most brought from trade with the Persians, Turks, Tibetans, and the Mongols. Tibet had it's own source of turquoise usually a green cast, very hard stone with significant amount of spider webbing. The Tibetans highly revered turquoise and was used in many areas as currency.

      Ancient doctors thought turquoise prevented injury through accident, and would place perfect stones over the eyes to prevent blindness. They also ground it into a powder to cure stomach disorders, internal bleeding, ailments of the hip and bites and stings. Turquoise is believed to protect the wearer from danger. In various countries, it is believed to fade when illness or danger is near. Another belief is that a fading stone indicates a lover's faithlessness or a friend's disaffection.

      Turquoise is commonly impregnated with colourless oil or wax to improve colour and increase durability. Untreated turquoise will eventually turn green. As genuine Chinese turquoise is very expensive, reconstituted turquoise is made today. Crafted from real turquoise chips fused with other stones.

      Turquoise is the birthstone for the month of December.

    • Black Frosted Onxy Beads

      Onyx is belioeved to give strength. It's also believed to promotes vigour, steadfastness and stamina. Imparts self-confidence, helping you to be at ease in your surroundings. Onyx is believed to banish grief, enhances self-control and stimulates the power of wise decision-making.

    • Packaging

      Awesome boxes and packaging are usually costed to the piece you buy and end up in a drawer or in the bin.  So I decided to keep  packaging simple, light and recyclable.  So that you pay for what you actually wear.

    • Brass

      It's a metal that has been used in so many pivotal ways, from navigation instruments assisting in discovering and mapping our world, to endless applications in between. It's not precious metal, but it is a significant one.

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