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  • I D E N T I T Y

    'IDENTITY' is a Hallmarked Stirling Silver piece from the R E S I L I E N C E Range consisting a Dutch titanium hook fastener on Dyneema cordage.

    Each HANG 6 Icon is finished by hand, oxidised and patina applied individually, so no two are the same, they have different casting marks, they are not 'imperfect' they are individual. our scars are part of what makes us who we are. All these pendants have the HANG 6 logo in relief on the rear.

    This is one of three original pendants that have no cast, these are one-offs and won't be exactly copied again, very similar yes, but some dimensions I'll change so that I'll always be able to tell the first editions apart. Each one will be accompanied by a signed photo of the item confirming it is the first of its type.

    I set a topic to think about regarding resilience whilst working on each piece from the collection.

    In this case, it was about just being upholding my identity and doing my thing.

    There was this one time where I was called to a meeting at short notice where let's just say I wasn't exactly smartly dressed. I had a braided mohawk at the time too (to add to the effect). So in I walk to a meeting full of directors who looked at me like I was severely lost, and probably wondering how I'd got past security.

    My opening line was that their hazard response was incorrect and was putting their ops at risk, I then (when questioned) explained in detail the reasons behind my findings and suggestions to put their measures right before our guys would go in.  From that point on no one was presumed above or below anyone else and judging turned to listening.

    Book dust covers are wafer-thin. Always get into the contents before you judge, and always strive to be the best version of yourself.

    Hold your head high, we are all just humans, titles are just words in the air, being a good person, standing for what's right, and doing what's right is what matters.

    Believe in your abilities.

    Be the calmest person in the room.

    Embed your resilience.

    • Cordage Length

      The cordage on this item is 55cm

    • Stirling Silver

      Hallmarked at the Assay office in Birmingham in the heart of the Jewellery Quarter.  Before it revcieves it's hallmark, a tiny ammount is removed and tested for purity.  Only when it passes it's test does it recieve it's Sterling silver 925 mark. 

    • Dyneema

      This is a big part of the roots of HANG 6.

      I started making my own outdoor gear from this incredible material.  It is 15x stronger than steel of the same diameter.  One of the strongers fibres on earth.

    • Titanium hook

      I love these Dutch Ti hooks and have used them in many situations, always spliced onto Dneema cordage.   They are crazy strong and seriously lightweight.  When I was looking for a new solution for a way of wearing these new pendants, this soluton just smacked me in the face.  They won't come undone,

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