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L A N D I N G   Z O N E
  • L A N D I N G Z O N E

    Here's a limited run of three stainless steel, engraved LZ's for your favorite drink!


    They have clear rubber bumpers on the back side so that they don't destroy whatever surface you put them on.


    These are individualy numbered, only 5 of these will be made in this exact format.


    These come with a WARNING! - They have sharp corners so should be handled with care! You should avoid throwing them at anything you like/love, as it will result in serious damage/injury.


    100mm x 100mm (set of 3)


    More than just a coaster...


    Baby oil is ace for keeping stainless steel clean and fingerprint free... Today’s top tip.


    Over to you.

      Out of Stock


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